Tuesday, December 28, 2010

St. Gaspar de Bufalo ( Jan. 6, 1786-Dec. 28, 1837)

St. Gaspar del Bufalo - Apostle of the Precious Blood of Christ

January 6, 1786
Born in Rome

July 31, 1808
Ordained priest

December 8, 1808
Founding of the Confraternity of the Most Precious Blood
at San Nicola in Carcere, Rome

June 13, 1810
Gaspar refuses to take the oath of loyalty to Napoleon

July 15, 1810
Exiled to Piacenza
December, 1810
Transferred to Bologna

October 20, 1811
Death of Gaspar's mother,
Annunziata Quartieroni

January 12, 1813
Transferred to the prison of Imola
 May 16, 1814
Transferred to Rocca di Lugo

February 1814
Gaspar returns to Rome

August 15, 1815
Foundation of the Congregation of the Most Precious Blood
at San Felice, Giano dell'Umbria

December 27, 1817
Gaspar appointed director of the missions of
the Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood

mid-May, 1830
Gaspar meets Maria de Mattias,
future founder of the Sisters Adorers of the Most Precious Blood

October 31, 1831
Death of Gaspar's father,
Antonio del Bufalo

March 4, 1834
Foundation of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood
in Acuto

December 28, 1837
Gaspar dies in Rome

January 3, 1838
Gaspar buried in the Church of St. Paul,
Albano Laziale

Gaspar' body transferred to the
Church of Santa Maria in Trivio, Rome

December 18, 1904
Gaspar declared Blessed by Pius X

June 12, 1954
Gaspar canonized a Saint by Pius XII

January 4, 1963
John XXIII visits the tomb of St. Gaspar
at Santa Maria in Trivio, Rome

O God, our Father, you made Gaspar del Bufalo
a priest and outstanding apostle of the Precious Blood
of your Son. Through his intercession, grant that we may
experience the abundant fruits of the price of our redemption.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,  for ever and ever.

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